Prof. Dr. Torger Holtsmark, * 25.12.1924 (Detroit), † 26.04.2014 (Oslo)


Torger Weisse Holtsmark







Between image and colour – for Torger Holtsmark the key was always in the viewer.


Torger Weisse HoltsmarkProf. Dr. Torger Holtsmark, for many years teacher in Physics at the University of Oslo, was one of the
most famous Norwegian researchers in colour science. A long time member of the International Commission on Illumination and relentless in his pursuit of a theoretical conception for the Inversion of the Experimentum Crucis, Holtsmark has left us with relevant accomplishments in the fields of colour discrimination and the similarity between JND-curves for complementary optimal colours. His research and publication of the first theoretical conception for the Inversion of Newton´s Experimentum Crucis as early as 1970 paved the way for further developments regarding Newton’s and Goethe’s Theory of Colour.

In 2012 Prof. Dr. Johannes Grebe-Ellis from the Universtity of Wuppertal edited collected works from Holtsmark: „Colour and Image – Phenomenology of Visual Experience“. This book gathers twenty-five publications which show the many research fields of Torger Holtsmark.

Above all, Torger Holtsmark left us with his example of uncompromising commitment to science as a life project.

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