The International Conference of the Color Society of Russia will take place from 1-5 December 2020.
The International Conference of the Color Society of Russia (The Second Russian Congress on Color) is an important event for color research. It will bring together a wealth of topics that reflect the scope of work being undertaken within color theory and research in such fields as, e.g., psychology, sociology, political science, literary studies, art history, and gender studies. RuColor2020 provides a unique opportunity for researchers, teachers, designers and businessmen from all over the world to meet each other, cooperate, exchange experience and learn advanced technologies.
The First Russian Congress on Color took place 18–20 September 2019 in Smolensk, Russia. Overall, more than 300 people from twenty different countries and nineteen regions of the Russian Federation participated in the event. Оn the last day of the conference, delegates gathered at the Сongress made a momentous decision to establish the Color Society of Russia and regularly schedule color conferences in Russia.
The organizers of the Second Russian Congress on Color plan to expand participation geographically, attract even more attendees, and set a record of the longest nonstop online 24-hour conference session.
The Conference is funded by the Presidential Grant Foundation (project № 20-2-000280)
Color in Science and Technology
Colour vision, colour appearance, lighting, psychophysics, experimental techniques, models, computational colour, scales and metrics
Color Psychology
Colour aesthetics and harmony, emotion, semiotics
Color Sociology
Colour in food, medicine, cosmetics, forensics, colour education
Color in Communication
Colour meaning, coding, language, naming
Color in Art and Design
Architecture, ambience, landscaping and horticulture, urban planning, interior design, fashion, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, glass, jewellery, new media