BELMONTE, Pilar. 2012. Ver el color/Seeing color. (Spanish/English) website information

FAIRCHILD, Mark D. (author) and Manuel MELGOSA LATORRE (translator). 2012. La tienda de curiosidades sobre el color. Editorial Universidad De Granada. ISBN-10: 8433853821, ISBN-13: 978-8433853820 (Spanish) info

RICHARD, Pascale. 2012. Sennelier, l’artisan des couleurs. Editions du Chêne, Paris. ISBN-10: 2812305320, ISBN-13: 978-2812305320 (French) info

RONCHI, Lucia and Luigi BARCA. 2012 (1972). Annotated Bibliography on Early Research on Temporal Visual Variability. Fondazione “Giorgio Ronchi” XVII, and RONCHI, Lucia and Luigi BARCA. 2012 (1977). Biological Rhythms and Rhythms of Performance and Annotated Bibliography. Fondazione “Giorgio Ronchi” XL. Reprints. Florence. (English) info

ARNKIL, Harald (Ed.). 2012. Colour and Light – Concepts and Confusions. Texts by Karin Fridell Anter, Ulf Klarén and Harald Arnkil. Introduction by C. L. Hardin. Aalto University School of Art Design and Architecture, Department of Art. Paperback and PDF (English) info

MOLLARD-DESFOUR, Annie. 2012. Le Vert. Dictionnaires de la couleur. Mots et expressions d’aujourd’hui (XXe-XXIe siècles). Preface by Patrick Blanc. CNRS Editions, Paris. ISBN: 978-2-271-07393-8 (French) info

RONCHI, Lucia. 2012. On the Interacting Visual and Non-Visual Effects. Fondazione “Giorgio Ronchi” CXIII. Florence. ISBN: 978-8888-649351 (English) info


CHANG, Hwei-Lan. 2011. Flowing Color Codes in Treasure Hill. Treasure Hill Environmental Color Handbook. ISBN: 978-986-02-7568-9 (Chinese) info

FAIRCHILD, Mark D. 2011. Why is Color? The Color Curiosity Shop. MDF Publications. (English) info

BRAND, Jan and Anne VAN ZWAAG. 2011. Colour in Time. Terra Uitgeverij, Houten (NL). ISBN-10: 9089891102, ISBN-13: 978-9089891105 (English)

MAGYAR, Árpád and Antal NEMCSICS. 2011. Szinpreferencia Viszonyok. Modus Coloris Társadalmi Akadémia, Budapest. ISBN: 978 963 947 48 2 (Hungarian)

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