The Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC) invites papers and presentations on the topic of colour and synaesthetic experience. Appearing in a growing body of research from diverse fields, synaesthesia is a complex of neurological processes that results in a blurring of perceptual boundaries. With the advent of neuroscientific imaging, this uncommon, even quasi-mystical ability has become a focus of study that intriguingly bridges disciplinary studies in Developmental Psychology, the Neurosciences, Art, Design, and Music, and Poetics.
With the inaugural edition of our journal “Colour : Couleur,” the CRSC is concluding a series of special events on synaesthesia called ‘Crossing Sensory Boundaries’ initiated in 2013 ( Seeking to provide a generous overview of technical and non-technical examinations of the synaesthetic experience, the journal will offer researchers, practitioners and synaesthetes, an opportunity to share knowledge in a transdisciplinary, open source context.
Deadline for submission April 30, 2014.
Full posting at
Nick Harkness
Vice President
Association Internationale de la Couleur
AIC website:; AIC 2014:; AIC 2015:; AIC 2016:  www.asociaciondelcolor.clAIC 2017:
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